The past couple of months I have had hard time
trusting that my student-loans will be paid off. It is burden that is
constantly on my mind and heart. It is something that I have hard time coming
to terms with. It is something that I just wish would go away so that I could
use my money to bless more people. It is something that I have had a hard time
trusting God with. It is something that makes me think “what is so great about
being an adult.”
Well, I am learning that God knows what He is
doing. He is constantly reminding me how faithful He is and has PROVIDE in
amazing ways each and every month. He has blessed me through people who give so
generously not only through financial gifts, but through meals and such. I am
learning that money is gift from God. It is not mine, but it is given to me to
use it wisely; to be a good steward of it. It is something that I should not
have consumed my every thought or action, but instead allow God to use it as a
way to bring glory to Him. What I want more than anything is to be free from
the bondage of money. I want to not
constantly think about my loans or if I should be spending my money on this or
that. I want to have a new outlook on what it means to be a good steward of
what God freely gives to me!

Ironically, a couple of weeks ago I spoke in
elementary chapel again. This time I was given the passage about the Widow’s
Gift. What a very convicting passage in my life right now. This widow only
had two coins yet she didn’t even think twice of what she would do it with it.
She gave it all to God.
a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he
called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor
widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box.
For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has
put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” Mark 12:42-44
This widow gave all she had to God. She didn’t
hold anything back. To me she had amazing faith. She had faith that God would
take care of her. She wanted to give her very best to God.
The message that I really wanted the students to
understand is that
wants us to love him first and most of all! When we love God most, we give
generously. We may think we don’t have much to give to God. But how much we
give is less important than whether or not we give it gladly and out of love.”
As I was speaking this message God kept putting
it on my heart “Daniella, I know that you
love me so deeply so allow me to give generously through you. Allow me to use
what you have even if it is not much. Please do not hold on to it, but be free.”
This is all so convicting to me and something
that I have had to daily ask for repentance in, but I know that God is slowly
tugging on my heart in different areas to be generous in.
With all this said I am faithfully believing
each and every month that God will provide for my loans before the date. God
has been so faithful every month so far so why should I doubt him now! HE WILL
Love, Daniella