One week from today I will be breathing in the air of
Kenya, feeling the warmth of the sun on my cheeks and expecting to serve in
whatever ways God allows. I CAN’T
believe it.
The past few days have been filled with learning
more about the culture of Kenya, the organizations that we will be serving and
what it means to go on a mission trip. My heart has really been tugged at for this
trip. It is the first time that I am a leader instead of just a participant and
God is using this experience already to shape and form my thoughts more and
more on what His heart is for serving others. What a blessing it has been to
have 3 and ½ days off of school for Korean Lunar New Year to set apart time to
pray, think and work through more of the details of this trip. My heart and soul are full tonight after I
having spent the afternoon watching videos of awesome organizations doing awesome
things in Kibera, putting together material for our team to work through this
week to be better prepared as we go to serve
and nailing out all the details. Through it all I am learning what it means to
trust God deeper, to rely on Him for strength and wisdom. To experience grace
and learn more what it means to have grace.
And I have to be honest it has also been a hard 3
and ½ days off of school feeling extremely tired, about to throw-up any minute
and overwhelmed by all that I have to do (putting together the trip, training on
making eye glasses, having to teach this week, coaching soccer, first soccer
game this Friday, taking care of members in my community, saying good-byes
ect). I don’t know how I am going to make it through this week, but I do know
that my problems, my to-do list is so small compare to what God can do and
nothing can compare to the strength, the wisdom and the amazing way He (my
Savior) helps you get through all things that are pointed towards bringing
GLORY to His NAME. I just have to rest at His feet. Sit still and listen to His
voice. Act when He says act. Love when He says love. Serve when He says Serve.
Be still. Be still and TRUST.
This trip has already been a huge step of faith for
me as I have had to believe for all the funds to come and trust for the right
team to come together. My heart is filled with joy as the day gets closer, but
I also know that my joy is replaced with sadness as one member of our team is
not able to go on the trip. When I first posted about this trip I talked about
how excited I was that God was allowing me to go on this trip in faith with a
student. We both believed in faith for finances to come and THANK YOU SO MUCH
to those of you who have so generously given. It is so appreciated!!! But I
have sad news to tell you, this student will not be able to go on the trip
because of complications of her being from another African country. She is very
disappointed. She is now trusting and seeking God for what He has for her this week without walls. She has many other
local options to choose from and I know she will be a blessing to whomever and wherever
she serves. I would ask that you would
please pray that she has amazing week experiencing God in a whole new way.
Tomorrow my team will be talking about expectations
that we have for the trip so I have been thinking and praying through the expectations
I believe that God has for me on this trip:
First to grow in my leadership skills (Lead with
grace, love, support and confidence)
Second to have a heart that is ready to serve
whenever and however
Third to give up my “to-do lists” and be willing to
be flexible not worried about time
Fourth to prepare my soul to love every person I
encounter deeply and encourage them with God’s love.
-Fifth to learn. Have a posture of learning,
listening and humbling myself. I want to go on this trip with ears and eyes
first. J
Thank you so much for your support. Your prayers
are/will be much appreciated through this week, next week and the months to
come as we all (my team) process everything that we learn. I promise there will
be many more post about this trip to come! J
Love, Daniella
P.S. If you would like prayer points for each day
while we are gone click here.
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Something that I have to constantly remind myself these days |