Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!

Today a very special lady in my life celebrates her eighty-second birthday, my dear grandma!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!

Grandma- I know that you are reading this which makes me smile. I love that you have a computer to keep in touch and it has been so fun to skype with you while I am in Korea. I am so impressed that you have learned to do all sorts of things on your computer!! J

Grandma! Thanks for being an amazing example of a woman who seeks after God‘s heart. Thanks for showing me the power of prayer and reading scripture. Thank you for showing me what it means to be an independent woman and to always have an excuse to buy a new dress! J You have taught me so much and I am so thankful for your wisdom. There are so many amazing memoires that I cherish with you. You are so fun, so caring, and so generous! You always listen, always give good advice and you see the heart of people! I am so thankful for the summers that I have gotten to spend with you and grandpa. Getting our green tea frappes, shopping, and laughing are at the top of the list of favorites with you!

My Sweet Grandma and I! :)

My prayer for you this year is that you will be refreshed and find rest in God alone. You have been amazing support and care-giver to grandpa. Thank you for showing me what it means to serve your husband with your whole heart no matter how difficult it is. I pray that God will refresh you in new ways.

Grandma! I ask that you will continue to take care of yourself so you can be around for many more years. There are still so many memories I want to make with you!!! I love you so very much!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!
We both love going to the ocean and eating a yummy healthy salad! :) Grandma- you have taught me well!!!

                                                                                                            Love, Daniella

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