“I will give
thanks to my Lord
with my
whole heart,
I will
all your wonderful
Psalms 9:1
Giving thanks and having a thankful heart is something
that my heart strives for each and every day. I have written many blogs post
about this topic and God has continually shown different ways to look at this
topic of gratitude.
is a word that fills my heart and makes me feel so warm and excited inside.
This year I am so thankful for my Savior. I would not be the person I am today
without Him. I still have so much to grow in and figure out, but God is overwhelming
my soul with Him. I am so thankful for His grace and love each and every day. I
am so thankful for His guidance. I am so thankful that He desires me. He does not
need me, but He wants me. He loves me. He likes me and He calls me His own.
2:4-6 says “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which
he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespass, made us alive together
with Christ- by grace you have been saved- and raised us up with him and seated
us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
These verses speak so boldly to my heart;
capturing it and reminding me how much I need my Savior and how much He truly
loves me. I am so thankful for my Savior. I can’t say it enough. I am so
thankful. He carries me through all circumstances and there is nothing that I
can do well without Him (John 15:5). Thank you, Jesus- there are not enough
words to express how grateful I am for you and what you have done for me on the
cross. You paid my debt with your amazing love. THANK YOU!
My life is full of big and little things that I
am SO thankful for. Sometimes I unfortunately take advantage of all that I
have, but I am ever so gently humbled by my Savior in those moments.

Thankful for… my family, the Houser’s, friends,
my roommates, journaling & blogging, teaching, my students, reading, book
club, prayer, shereadstruth.com, thankful list, bible reading, the season of
fall, church community, earl grey tea & bubble tea, changing of my heart,
homemade granola, sweet notes of encouragement, mail, being creative in the
kitchen, connections, running, facetime, small group, and so many things….
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to remember all
that you are thankful for, but I challenge us to take this heart of gratitude
each and every day. To live out truly in every circumstances…
Living a
life of gratitude is what my soul loves.
Love, Daniella
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