My heart feels really full these days of different emotions. I am blaming it on the start of transition. I miss my grandpa a lot these days. Hearing stories of tragedies of godly people losing their lives for many different reasons has been overwhelming lately. My family literally being spread around the world and no idea of when we will all be together again…. it could be years! Overwhelmed by a few different situations with students in my classroom. All I can say is tears are close these days. It’s the emotion that’s deep on my heart. But do not fear….
Because God sees it. He knows. And He is ministering to my heart! A couple of weeks ago I attend the if:gathering women’s conference right here in my bedroom through watching the live stream. This conference came at perfect time. It challenged me. It encouraged me. It refreshed me. It jump started some deeper thinking and praying about something that God has been laying on my heart for awhile now. To live each day with purpose. I don’t want to go through the emotions or fill up my schedule with little things to do, but I want to live a life simply. Simplify. Always pointing to Christ. Serving Him each day through my words and actions. To make disciple like He tells us to do in John (John was the book of the bible that the conference was going through) as well as Matthew. David Platt was one of the speakers (He is SO good!) and he really challenged us ladies to take the call that God spoke of making disciples. He said “ to keep it (your faith) to yourself is the most ignorant thing you can do.” This hit me hard and lead me to pray to be bold. to be courageous. to live a life that reflects my relationship with God. Yes, I don’t always think I meet the job description of being a disciple of God. I don’t always feel like I know how to live like “this” well, but God spoke to my heart. abide. Abide in Him. Abide in his word. Seek His face and will each day. Live a life FREE for Him. Right now in this season of transitions- it’s the right time to start to simplify. Simplify my life. I am really figuring out what matters to me. And I am learning that it’s people. Spending time with people. It’s spending time in the word of God. It’s abiding in Him. It’s loving on my students. Seeing them for who they are and individually seeing their different needs. It’s coaching soccer, but more than coaching soccer it’s discipling these girls. It’s being an encouragement and excited for friends who are having babies and getting married without a jealous heart. It’s taking time to invite woman over from all different stages in life to talk about our faith and how God has worked in our lives. It’s not about filling up my schedule with a bunch of to do’s, but simply living each day as a reflection of what Christ is doing in and through me. It’s not about my gain or proving, but all to bring glory to God’s name. To be brave. To love well. To be selfless. To surrender. To live each day with a purpose. A purpose to bring glory to His beautiful and loving name. It’s to live out my faith.
So what are you waiting for? Will you join me in living each day with the purpose of living for God’s glory only? To live out your faith and to not judge with “theology” of Christianity. (And this is for another blog post… I have many thoughts about this topic lately!)
And here are some of my favorite quotes from if:gathering:
-Let’s Go Give God Away!
-You don’t have to start a new organization, or write a book or start a blog. Just make disciples. -David Platt
-May we love recklessly like Jesus and watch joy overflow
-How do we know God loves you? Because He knows everything about you and He’s still here. He’s still pursing you. -Eugene Cho
Love like Jesus loved. Serve like Jesus served. Pursue holiness like Jesus pursed it!

Love, Daniella
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