Dear friends!
There are so many different things that I would love to tell you. I guess this is what I get for being so absent from the blogging world this last month! There may or may not be a lot of blog post this week as I process through all my happenings!
On Friday, my students and I celebrated the 50th day of school. What a huge mile stone! I cannot believe that I have been a "real" teacher for 50 days! In some ways it seems like the time has flown by so quickly from the first day of school. My students have grown so much in their personalities. I love watching the change that happens each and every day! To celebrate the day we did some "activities"! A few of our activities were writing about what we would be like when we are 50 (I love the different things my students wrote- so stinking cute!) , we talked about what we have learned the past 50 days, and drank coke floats because that's what they did the in fifties- get it! :)
This past month we also had parent-teacher conferences. I was a nervous wreck before conferences and had to really humble myself before the Lord. All of my doubts came rushing to my mind. Am I a good teacher? Have my students learned anything the past 50 days? What if the parents hate me? What if I do not know how to handle a situation? All of these doubts put a deep fear and nervousness into my heart and mind. Once again, God is so faithful! I walked away from each parent-teacher conferences encouraged. The parents of my students are so supportive and encouraging! I really could not ask for a better first year class. Yes, we have our ups and downs and challenges, but overall I humbled by the grace I receive each and every day!
The classroom has been an happening place. We have study about apples, fossils, space, and fall this month. My teaching philosophy that I learned from Taylor University is to make learning engaging while still covering all the standards so I am a huge fan of "thematic" units which means each week has a theme like apples! This week theme is spiders and bats and then we will jump into our "Thanksgiving" units starting off with pumpkins!
Another field trip is in the works for this week. We are going to planetarium. My students loved learning about space during our space week so we are all very excited to go see the star show and look at some model space shuttles!
The past 50 days have packed with craziness, exhaustion, fun, learning, excitement, and so much love from my students. I am definitely on a crazy, beautiful, unknown adventure!
100 days of school here we come!
Studying our "cookie" fossils |
Our smiling "apples" for Apple Week |
Our "oreo" moon phases for Space Week |
I am bummed because I forgot to take pictures for the 50th day of school! :( Don't worry I will for sure try to remember to take pictures on the 100th day!
Love, Daniella
OMG, you are so cute and I just know because of the roots you have come from you are rocking your big new world for the Love of God! Congrats to you, the big world welcomes your love and teaching. DJ