In some ways this post is long overdue, but in other ways it might just be the perfect timing. A little over year ago I went through the struggle of figuring out if I should renew my contact for another year at the school that I am currently working at. (And now over a year later I haven't really made it clear with my readers, that’s you what my plans are for this next year….) Over many hours of praying and talking to those who speak truth into my life I made the decision to stay in Korea for another year (this was last year NOT my decision for this year. keep reading to find out)… At the time I had no idea that this would be one of the hardest years. There has been SO much that has happened and it has honestly left me physically drained and lots of questions. I can say that God has been faithful through every moment. He has given me the strength, wisdom, support and encouragement right when I needed it. There have been many dark days and many days where I have gone to bed thinking “this is not fair.” “Why is this happening?” “It was suppose to be the third year is a charm!”
As I have been reflecting and focusing on how to finish well God has been speaking to my heart…early this week I was reading in Genesis about Jacob and Esau how the blessing was stolen. I also read a commentary about this passage from shereadstruth afterwards and a few things that resonated with my heart were these quotes “God never called your pain fair, BUT He says He will use it.” (from Romans 8:28) Also, “God takes the brokenness of this world the stolen blessing in my life, and turns them around to bring His purpose and His good-which is always better than I could have imagined. (1 Cor 2:9). The things that have happened and the things that are happening are things that I would have never imagined would have happened, but they are no surprise to God. He didn’t want these things to happen because He never wants bad to happen, but He will use it to bring to good. He is using this time to deepen my faith in Him. To teach me that I can only rely on Him alone. I have been disappointment by man so many times this year. Promises. Expectations. Fairness. have not be followed through, but where is my focus? Is it on my circumstances or are my eyes turned to heaven? I never wish this past year of my life on everyone. I wish all the time that I didn’t have to go through this, but I do… it’s reality. So I am going to walk through it with the only way that I know and that’s walking with my God. That’s daily asking for His presence and Holy Spirit to be with me. That’s praying over my classroom declaring that God will be presence and His love will overflow. That’s asking a group of people to commit to praying with me each week. One of my favorite songs this season is “where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!!!” I am praying that over my situation this year. One lady that has joined me in prayer sent me an email with lyrics from one of my favorite songs “Oceans” by Hillsong:
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior”
This year I am learning to trust without borders. I am learning to go deeper than my feet would ever wander and my faith is being made stronger.
With all this said God has really been speaking to my heart for the past 9 months about taking more time to focus on my relationship with Him, to be refreshed by Him and be excited for what He has for me in the future. He is holding the desires of my heart so closely and preparing me for them. So my plans are to finish my contact here at ICS-P this June well then fly back to states for about a month. After that I am in the process of applying for a DTS in New Zealand starting in July through December. For those of you who do not know what a DTS is it is discipleship training school with YWAM (Youth with a Mission.) The mission organization that my parents have been apart of for over thirty years. It is a time of 3-months of lecture phrase learning more about who God is, the character of God, prayer, missions-minded, ect. and then 3-months of practicing what you have learned in lecture phase on the field. The location will be determined during my time in New Zealand. I am SUPER excited for this next step in my life. It’s God’s perfect timing. I was not meant to do my DTS right after high school or college, but now after three years of teaching. It’s the right timing- my soul is longing for it. My tentative plans for afterwards are to go back to the states to teach in a public school. God has given me a huge heart to teach in the public school. To be a light in the darkness that so many are running away from. Of course I am not planning too far ahead because you never know what will happen, but I do know I see a light at the end of the tunnel and that helps keep my focus to finish this race here in Korea well. Thank you SO much for your prayers and support!
Love, Daniella
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