Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beauty of Career & Passion

This week two thoughts have been on my mind a lot as I have woken up each morning to go to school, as I have taught throughout the day and as I have gone to bed at night…

One: “How I am so thankful for the passion that God has given me to teach!” (This poster sums it all up)

And two: “How amazing God’s love is!!!”
I feel so thankful that God has called me to teaching. It is such amazing and beautiful passion laid on my heart. Someone this weekend asked me if I am excited to wake up in the morning and go to school and I immediately answer with yes even when it is 5:30 in the morning!  And this is why:
I love getting to school and setting up my room for the morning, putting the date on the board, laying out the schedule and writing a morning message to my students. I love listening to our staff devotions and then walking up the stairs to see my 2nd graders with all smiles as I approach them with a “good morning”. I love the anticipation I have for 15 minutes as I prepare the last minute things for the day or just seat and pray for the day. The bell rings and a huge smile comes across my face as I open the door to my classroom and greet each student with a smile and  a “good morning”. Oh, it just makes me so happy to see each child that is intrusted to me for 6 hours a day. All the worries of being in new country disappear for 6 hours each day as I spend time getting to know my students, as I teach math, reading, science, social studies, spelling , writing and my favorite, bible. This past week my goal was to be fully with my students at all times. I want them to improve. I want them to love learning. I want them to know that I am always with them and for them. I want them to see Christ’s love through me. Often times I do feel inadequate, but this is where my second thoughts comes in
God’s love is so amazing. He loves me for who I am. He loves all of me even when I fail. He loves my students and their families. He loves us! I cannot be the teacher I want to be without having God be the center of my life. I cannot love my students if I don’t believe that God loves me. This week God has shown me in so many ways that He loves me and that He is so faithfully watching over me. He has promised us that He would never leave us or forsake as long as we are in His will. The past couple of weeks in bible we have been learning about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. These men faithfully waited for God’s promise to them and a lot of times they didn’t feel like they were adequate for the job, but God used them in many amazing ways. Who are we to decide how God can use us?! I need to be obedient to what He has for me and remember His promise that He loves us oh, so much! Yes, He loves me and that brings me so much joy!
Thank you God, for the passion that you have laid on my heart to teach children and that you allowed it to bring me joy each day! J
Love, Daniella

A few prayer requests this week:
-For my class as we learn more about who God is through our everyday learning
-For me as teacher that I would feel equip to teach my students and give them my best each day
-For my school that we would be able to find a director for the rest of the year and more students would attend
A praise:
-My class has adjusted well to our new girl and we are all quickly becoming "friends"

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