Thanksgiving has a special place in my heart. Over the past serveal years the Lord has been teaching me what it truly means to live with a thankful heart. Some days I am great at this and other days I fail completely, but praise the Lord for new beginnings each day. Thankful. What does it truly mean to be thankful? This is a question that I have often asked myself over the past serval years: What does it truly mean to be thankful? I don't know if I have truly figure it all out yet, but I believe to be truly thankful means to be grateful, to have a heart that is always praising God no matter the circumstances, to always look at the glass half full instead of half empty, to look for the goodness of the Lord in all things, to open your eyes to the blessings that God provides so freely for you each day and I believe you have to choose to be grateful. It is a heart act- it is a choice that has to be made each and every day. I believe you have to wake up each morning and believe in your heart that "today, I am grateful!" (grateful no matter what the circumstance is). Some days this is easy and some days it is hard. But it is something that my heart desires each and every day so I am striving to change my attitude and live with gratitude each day. I am so thankful that I don't have to go on this process alone, but I have God who teaches me, guides me, models me and shows me ways to live out this attitude of gratitude!
This year Thanksgiving finds me in another country again- South Korea this time not Thailand! :) If you would have asked me a year ago today if this is where I would be I would have never guess it. This Thanksgiving I am learning to be thankful in all circumstances. The past four months have been some of the hardest, humbling, growing and joyful times. I have learned so much, cried so much and prayed so much, but today I can truly say I'm thankful. Since arriving in Korea I have listen to tons of Pastor Levi pod-casts from Fresh Life Church in Kalispell, Montana (my parents church). These messages have been challenging, encouraging, life-giving and have given me amazing encounters with God. One thing that I have noticed that Pastor Levi keeps mentioning in the sermons is "Even though.... I will... Oh, wow! This little phrase has capture my heart and has resounded in my mind over and over the past four months! So today, I say "Even though... I am...":
Even though I miss my family I am thankful for the family that God has given me here, The Houser's.
Even though I miss my college friends I am thankful for the friend that God has given me here, Emma.
Even though it has been hard transition I am thankful because I know that I can trust God for He is so faithful.
Even though I have always struggle with writing I am thankful that I can express my heart through this blog.
Even though I feel exhausted most days I am thankful for early gray tea! :)
Even though I am far away from some many I love I am thankful for technology (facetime, skype, imessage, facebook) that keep us connected.
Even though I feel alone I am thankful that I am learning how to embrace it and depend more God.
Even though I am single I am thankful that I get to share the joy of planning weddings with friends! :)
Even though I miss going to church with my college friends I am thankful for the church God has blessed me here in Korea, SCBC.
Even though I feel inadequate in teaching sometimes I am thankful for my sweet, flexible and always loving students.
There is so much to be thankful for in my life. My prayer is that I will learn even more what it means to live with gratitude! this next year!
With a thankful heart!
Love, Daniella