Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ode to Taylor

Four years ago this weekend God lead me to Taylor University for four amazing, life-changing and lovely years! Oh, how I miss Taylor and all the people who impacted my life while there.
This summer for me has been a huge time of reflecting, grieving and anticipating new things; reflecting on the last four years of my life, grieving by leaving a place a called “home” and anticipating life after graduation.  It has been a time where God has drawn me closer to His heart and has shown me His faithfulness in so many ways.

One day this summer I was reflecting in my journal on the different impacts that I believe Taylor has had  on my life and then yesterday I was reading through them again and realized that these impacts can be applied to my life right now as I transition. I strongly believe that God prepares each step of our journey on earth and I am so thankful for that.

The journey that God has brought me on since I was born has truly been amazing. I am so thankful for growing up as a missionary kid, and having a supportive family.  And as I reflect I am reminded that in our journey there will always be ups and downs, but we have the chose to embrace each phase with either a happy heart or dissatisfied  heart.  As I talk about Taylor and how I have loved all four years of being there I want you to know that I am not being naïve. I know that there were definitely ups and downs throughout my years there, but I believe the downs changed me just as much as the ups. Taylor is by no means a perfect place, but it is a place that has had a huge impact on me.
So here are some of the impacts/lessons I learned while at Taylor:
deep friendships with friends, mentors and professors  these people impacted my life through care, support, prayers, funniness, laughs, cries, runs, teachings, listening ears, and memoires that will last a lifetime!  From these relationships I know that in Korea I desire to develop some deep friendships and be accountable to a mentor. My relationships from college will not be replaced, but with a welcoming heart I want to embrace “new” friends in this new season of my life.
…healing… Taylor was placed God used to bring healing to my life in the death of my aunt (who I was very close to) and a broken heart.
...a desire to worship and hear truth… being surrounded by so many amazing examples of Christ was humbling.  My faith was challenged in a positive way and I learned how to make my faith my own. The privilege of having chapel three times a week and attending a church where truth was spoken from the Bible fed my faith in many ways.  I anticipate this growth to continue as I live in Korea and teach at a Christian school, attend a church and surround myself with other Christians.
…God is faithful in all things… there are many stories that I can share about God’s faithfulness throughout my time at Taylor. And God has already continued to show me His faithfulness in Korea. He daily shows me that He is my friend, my provider, and all that I need. He has placed small blessings in my life that have touched me in many ways.
…how to rest and have fun… Taylor was a place where I got involved in many awesome things, but it also taught me to rest and have fun. This was a hard lesson to learn especially my first three years of college. My senior year my housemates really challenged me to take more time to have fun (man, did we ever- we baked, went on fun road trips, watch Taylor soccer  games in the pouring rain, stayed up late and did so many crazy things) and a mentor who challenged me to rest. These are two things that I am quickly realizing that I need to practice again in Korea. I need to set down my school work to have fun and I need to spend time of just resting and not feeling guilty about it. This is definitely a goal of mine this next year.., to rest and have fun!!! J
My time at Taylor was an amazing journey of ups and downs.  There countless more things that I could say about Taylor, but I have decided to make a digital scrapbook to remember all the memoires instead of blogging about each one! Now I anticipate and eagerly wait to look back on my journey in South Korea someday. I know that God has me here for a purpose and I can’t wait to see the impact and lessons I learn.
If there are any freshmen reading this I want to tell you one thing and that is  to enjoy the journey of college… it flies by so fast!!!

Love, Daniella
A few pictures to capture some of the moments (it was so hard to chose... I wanted to put all 1,000+)

My college housemates who taught me to have fun!

My college housemates who taught me to have fun! {I couldn't find one with all us together :( }
A mentor, Sara James, who showed me how to rest!
Elementary Education friends who kept me laughing through all our "work"

A mentor who poured into my life and played many games of dutch blitz with me!!
A friend who gave a listening ear whenever I needed one especially freshmen year!

One of best friends who ran and prayed with me all through college!
Awesome friends who encouraged, and challenged me!

 And like I said I wish I could share so many more photos with you, but I guess if you want to see more you can come find me and look at my scrapbook of Taylor sometime! :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Story, My Address, & Ways to Support

Hello Lovely Friends!

I wanted to share with you some more information about what I’m doing and how you can be a part of it.
As most of you know I am a 2nd grade teacher at an International Christian School in South Korea. God has been laying teaching overseas on my heart for a very long time now, but as graduation was approaching I was unsure if the timing was right. God placed a very special lady in my life to show me an opportunity in pursing overseas teaching with NICS. I attended the NICS job fair and was offered 5 different jobs in 5 different countries. I left the conference completely overwhelmed having no idea where I should go. I spent the next week in prayer, seeking wisdom from others in my life and asking others in my life to pray. On the last day I had limited some schools, but I still had no idea. I felt God say “go where you thought you would never go”…. and that was South Korea. You see at the job fair I was not going to interview with South Korea, but randomly the very special lady in my life introduce me to a director from a South Korean school. He had an opening for an interview and asked if I would interview. I did! It was a great interview, but I left thinking “that was a great experience of a good interview” not thinking that’s where I was going to end up. But guess what I am in South Korea.  I accepted the job in February and having been praying it about since. Something that the Lord has laid on my heart continually is “freshness”. I am not entirely sure what that means, but I do know that God can refresh us daily with His word. I hope to bring a breath of freshness to those around me through my actions and words. I am clinging to God’s promise that this time in my life is going to be a beautiful adventure through the ups and downs.

There are three ways you can be a part of the beautiful adventure that God is leading me on.

1. Come: I’d love for you to come see where I’m and what I’m doing as a second grade teacher.
2. Pray: I will post prayer needs throughout my blog, but you can always be praying for my  students and their families.
3. Give: Read below to find out how you can support my work through monetary donations.
(I am receiving a small salary to cover basic living cost, but I am also having to paying off student loans.)

By Snail Mail:
1.Write a check made out to: NICS/OASIS
2.Put my project  number (003700)  in the subject line
3.Mail the check to: 3790 Goodman Road East, Southaven, MS 38673.
Online Donation:
1. Visit:
2. Scroll to the bottom where you will see a credit card. Click “Donate Now”
3. Choose “Single Donation” or “Recurring Donation”
Follow the instructions for Destination: Missionary Support

My project number is 003700
If you ever want to send me snail mail I will promise to always write back. I love snail mail! My address is: 

Daniella Rottier
Pyeongtaek International Christian School
367 Shindae-dong
 Pyeongtaek-si, Republic of South Korea

Also, you can always send me an e-mail to! I would love to hear about your journey and pray for you in any way that I can.

Thanks for always loving me & supporting me!

The very special lady who through God made a way for me to teach overseas! :)
Love, Daniella
Love, Daniella

P.S. I will try to figure out a way to make this a tab on my blog so you can easily access all my info!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I choose!

Today it hit! I am in a new country. Everything is different and not easy. I am not looking for easy, but I would love familiarity. I tried making cookies (my go to cookies that I made all the time in college for friends), but they turned out completely flat. I tried making pancakes (the usual Saturday morning pancakes I had with my college housemates) and they completely failed. I walked into a grocery and had no idea what anything meant. I sat in McDonalds for air conditioning and time out of my apartment and got completely overwhelmed with not knowing what everyone was talking about because I don’t speak Korean. There are many other “hardships” that I could explain to you that are leading me towards feeling completely homesick…

 I am choosing to look for good in everything. Even though the cookies were flat everyone ate them and loved them. Even though my pancakes completely failed I could have a good laugh, cry and remember good memories of my friends. Even though I could not read the labels in the store  I still found a few items I knew!  Even though I got completely overwhelmed in McDonalds it was a nice place to get a rest from the heat and a break from my apartment. So, I have decided that I am going  to choose to be grateful. The Lord has provided so much for me. He is all that I need.  Today was a good reminder of what God is calling me to do…. He is not calling me to take the easy way, but He is calling me to follow Him with all my heart and I choose to follow Him through the ups and downs and see the goodness through them both.
I choose to live out this verse in all things:



Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day Jitters

Today was the day; my first day of school! I woke up with the first day jitters, but as soon as my little ones walked through the door my nerves went away and I just beamed with JOY all morning long.  We only had a half day today so really my first full day of school is tomorrow and I am hoping that I remember to take a picture so that I always remember this moment! J

My favorite moment of the day was when I read my students First Jitters by Julie Dannebery. If you haven’t read the story you should. It is a cute one. Anyways, it talks about being nervous on the first day of school and even how teachers are nervous too. I loved being able to talk with my students about how they felt before coming to school and telling them how I felt. It was fun to see their reaction when they realized that teachers feel the same way on the first day of school.

It is only day one of the school year and my teaching career, but I am already in love with my seven students. I just have a feeling that it is going to be an exciting year of growth, learning, and experiencing God in many new ways.
Love, Daniella
P.S. Here are some encouragements I received today:

O-FISH-ally in Second Grade

As you can probably tell I did not follow through on my promise of pictures! L I seriously do not know where all my time has gone. It has disappeared so quickly! I have been in Korea for exactly two weeks! The last two weeks have been filled with getting to know so many amazing people, co-workers and my way around the city (kind of). The weeks have also been filled with orientation and getting to know the culture of the school that I will be teaching at. It is going to be an awesome year. A lot of new and exciting ideas for the students and school as well as growing more in professional development as teachers. I am so thankful that I get to spend my first year of teaching at PICS. All of my co-workers have been so supportive and encouraging!

And now the moment that so many of you have been waiting for you…. drumroll…. pictures of my classroom.  Decorating and setting up my first classroom has been so incredible. I have been waiting for this day since I was in 1st grade when I told my parents that I was going to be a teacher! Yes, I do admit my first reaction when I walked into my classroom was “I have no idea where to start… what was I thinking?!?!”, but I just drove right in. I wanted to create a classroom atmosphere of encouragement, life-long learning and a sense of JOY!  I LOVE the way my classroom turn out!
O-FISH-ally in Second Grade!!! (A little gift for my students at Open House)
Before picture of my classroom

Class Library
Font of the classroom room

Word Wall and Supplies

Back of the room

My desk!

I treated myself for surviving the first day!

So excited to go on an adventure of learning with my students this year and see how God works in each of our lives. “Oh, the places we’ll go!”

Love, Daniella